RNCP certification in the process of being registered with France Compétences

Professional certification issued and blocks of skills
The objectives of the certification
International relations and cooperation are at the heart of the missions of influence, influence and international development of a State. By definition, international cooperation is cooperation between several countries on a given issue and/or problem. It is an instrument of a state’s foreign policy. In France, foreign policy includes, among other things, the action of local authorities (decentralized cooperation), international development, diplomacy on various themes (cultural, economic, foreign trade or digital), human rights, security and disarmament, or civil society and volunteerism. It can be both bilateral and multilateral. The diversity of actors and sectors of activity requires real expertise.
The creation of the ” Expert in international relations and cooperation “The aim of this program is to respond to the increased recruitment needs of the international relations and cooperation sector and the need to train experts in the management of international relations and cooperation in the public and private sectors of international relations and cooperation. This certification also aims to meet the sector’s need to train specialists capable of negotiating and managing international agreements of any kind, both nationally and internationally.
Competence blocks
The professional certification allows the preparation of the following blocks of competences:
- To manage international relations and cooperation;
- To define a policy of development and intervention on the international scene;
- Provide leadership, advice and support in crisis or conflict situations.
In addition to these common blocks of competencies, there is an optional specialization to choose from:
- To ensure diplomatic support for the economic development of a country (economic diplomacy);
- Leading a policy of humanitarian cooperation and reconstruction of civil society;
- Designing and managing a defense and security policy or cooperation (including cybersecurity).
The validation of the certification is obtained by the capitalization of three blocks of competences common to all the courses as well as a block of specialization or professionalization according to the course of the candidate.
You can find the blocks of competences associated with the certification on this link .
The targeted professions
The following is a non-exhaustive list of the different occupations that can be held by holders of the certification:
- International Relations Officer ;
- European Programs Officer ;
- European Affairs and Projects Officer ;
- Protection Officer;
- Defence and security officer ;
- Vice-Consul ;
- Geopolitical Analyst;
- In charge of prospective studies.
Admission in 4th year M1.
In the framework of initial training and in order to enter the system, the candidate must justify a Title or Diploma of Bachelor level or the validation of 180 ECTS credits in one of the following fields
- International relations;
- Political Science and Public Administration;
- International law ;
- Public Law;
- Economics;
- Geopolitics and history of international relations.
Direct admission in 5th year M2.
Parallel admission on the basis of a title or M1 level diploma with a focus on international relations or validation of 240 ECTS in the same family of training courses with comparable blocks of skills.
The candidate must also demonstrate competence in research methodology.
The candidate’s compliance with the prerequisites for accessing the certification system is carried out, on the one hand, when compiling the online application file (through the various documents attached to the file), and on the other hand, at the time of the individual motivation interview.
This certification is accessible through the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).