Internships at HEIP
Internships are integrated into the curriculum. It is a real moment of learning and professional integration. The HEIP Career Center supports students in their search for an internship, the definition of their missions and their professional project.
From the second year of Bachelor, students are supported to build their CV. In the third year, they are coached to learn how to present themselves to the recruiter. In the first year of the MSc Cycle, these courses are offered for new entrants and more extensive support is offered for students looking for an alternate internship (group and individual coaching).
Students can complete up to 14 months of internship in France and/or abroad. This will allow them to build a professional path by applying on a practical ground the knowledge acquired during their courses.

Duration of internships
Bachelor 1:
2 months
Bachelor 2:
2 months
Bachelor 3:
6 months
MSc 1:
6 months
MSc 2:
Alternate internship

The “classic” internship agreement
The student retains his status and the tuition fees are his responsibility. The trainee is registered in the personnel register of the host company.
The gratuity (in accordance with decree n°2014 of November 27, 2014 specifying the terms of application of certain provisions provided for by law n°2014-788 of July 10, 2014) corresponds to the minimum contractual amount, i.e. 15% of the hourly ceiling of the social security multiplied by the number of hours worked during the month by the trainee. The company will not pay charges if it does not remunerate the student beyond the 15% of the social security hourly ceiling. The internship cannot exceed 132 days of presence in the company, i.e. 924 hours, i.e. 6 months.
The planning
Bachelor 1 & 2 | internships are highly recommended. They can be done during the holiday period. |
Bachelor 3 | Internship discovery. 4 to 6 months of compulsory internship in the second semester (from mid-January) |
M1 | orientation and professionalization course. 4 to 6 months of mandatory internship in the third term (from mid-February) |
Contact Career Center
Alix Auffray
Director of the Career Center
Melaid Ben Daoud
Corporate & Institutional Relations Manager
Work-study management
Examples of assignments
Training of humanitarian intervention teams in the risks and in the political and social context in which they will intervene on the international field Preparation of files within the framework of international contract negotiations Monitoring of the work of the Foreign Affairs Security/Development commissions, analysis of votes and creation of current affairs files within the framework of international organizations Search for partners and private, public, international and European sponsors within the framework of setting up humanitarian projects Monitoring of economic activities in the Middle East
Examples of internship
Embassies :
– United States Embassy in France – Libyan Embassy in France
– Embassy of Mexico in France
– French Embassy in Syria
– French Embassy in Australia…
Governmental, international organizations and NGOs :
National Assembly, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense
– Unesco
– Unicef
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile
– Catholic Relief
– Child protection support unit in Senegal
– Action against Hunger
– French Development Agency
Agencies and private sector :
- – Thales Brussels
- – Areva
- – Euro Confluence Company
- – B Commerce Brussels
- –
- – French Business Information Center
- – International banks in Hong Kong…