Validation of prior learning (VAE)

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Validation of prior learning: recognition for your career

Recognized by the French Labor Code, this system allows for the recognition of one’s experience, whether professional, volunteer or union, through the validation of a professional certification registered with the RNCP, according to procedures other than those of an end-of-training exam.

Validation of prior learning through experience

Who is it for?

The validation of acquired experience is open to all people, employees (on fixed-term or permanent contracts, temporary workers, etc.) and non-salaried workers, job seekers, volunteers, as well as public servants, regardless of the diplomas/titles/certificates previously obtained or their level of qualification.

There is only one condition: to justify a professional experience (salaried or not, voluntary…) of 1 year in continuous or discontinuous, in connection with the contents of the aimed RNCP title.

Who finances it?

The VAE system is considered as a training action within the framework of professional training. As such, the costs related to the VAE (study of admissibility, support, validation session) can be paid by your CPF, your employer (through the OPCO), or by public financiers (Pôle Emploi, Regional Council …).

Progress of the VAE system

The VAE procedure and support is provided by our partner IFG (OMNES Education Group)

  • Phase 1: Information, orientation, advice

Contact by e-mail or telephone with the VAE advisor in order to discuss the project of validation of acquired knowledge, to orientate oneself on the possibilities of titles to be validated, to inform oneself on the VAE procedure and on the possibilities of financing.

  • Phase 2: Study of the admissibility

After confirming the choice, the VAE advisor sends the admissibility file. The study of admissibility allows us to determine if -a priori- the competences acquired by the candidate during his experiences could correspond to the competences attested by the targeted RNCP title.
This file must be returned completed and accompanied by the necessary supporting documents. It is studied by the VAE referent and the person in charge of teaching the title in question. The admissibility is notified within two months following the reception of the complete admissibility file.

  • Phase 3: Assistance in writing the booklet 2

In case of positive admissibility, the writing of the Booklet 2 can begin. It describes and analyzes the skills and knowledge acquired in the candidate’s professional and/or personal career, in relation to the skills repository of the qualification concerned. It will also be necessary to provide evidence of these achievements. An accompaniment can be proposed. It consists of individual and/or group meetings, intended to better understand the skills reference framework, to make a reflexive return on the professional and/or personal course in connection with this reference framework in order to bring the most relevant elements to this booklet.

  • Phase 4: Jury review

Once the booklet 2 has been written and submitted, a VAE jury is organized. Its composition, which is in accordance with that indicated on the RNCP sheet for the title in question, includes professionals. The oral examination is an extension of the written file. It aims to discuss and argue about the candidate’s experiences and to evaluate the competences in relation to the targeted reference framework.

After deliberation of the jury, several cases are possible:

  • Validation of all the skills required to obtain the title: obtaining a parchment certifying the obtaining of the title
  • Partial validation of the certification, i.e. obtaining certain blocks of skills that make up the title: delivery of a certificate of the components acquired. The jury proposes means and/or modalities to obtain all the missing components of the certification
  • Non-validation, the jury informs the candidate in writing and explains the reasons for this decision.

Your contacts

For more information and to know our VAE rates, please contact our expert consultants:

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Updated 1 August 2022