The director general of the AP-HP receives us in his offices

Martin Hirsch receives HEIP at the AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris for a conference on the theme: COVID crisis, what challenges for the public hospital?
Martin Hirsch is director of the AP-HP, founder of Civic Service, former president of Emmaüs France, High Commissioner for Active Solidarity against Poverty and Youth under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy.
This conference took place within the framework of Pierre Mourlevat’s course of the M2 Management of Public Affairs & Institutions directed by Régis Passerieux.
The themes :
How has the public hospital been managing the COVID crisis for a year? What are the relations with the supervisory authority (Ministry of Solidarity and Health, ARS) and with the various partners: local authorities, private sector, etc. How will this crisis have an impact on the ongoing hospital reforms? French, their funding, research, with the major question of the attractiveness of careers?
Did you miss the conference? It is available for replay here: