“HEIP Lyon is campaigning” challenge: and the winner is…
On December 16, the Challenge called “HEIP Lyon is campaigning” ended on the HEIP Lyon campus. An immersive educational exercise that took place over nearly 3 months, and which consisted of a simulation of a presidential election campaign.
Divided into 12 teams – 11 political parties and a media team – and supervised by coaches, the school’s 180 first and second year students had to build a program, create a poster, a slogan, a logo and a music video. campaign, write a profession of faith, take part in debates or carry out militant actions on or off campus.

On December 9, the debates of the first round took place. Each party had the opportunity to debate on six different themes: education, ecology, economy, security, France in Europe and in the world and a subject carte blanche drawn by lot.

Following these debates, the vote for the first round was organised. Five parties qualified for the second round: Les Républicains, Le Rassemblement National, Debout La France, the French Communist Party and La France Insoumise.

On December 16, the second round debate was held. For 2h30, our students were able to embody their party with conviction and put forward their political program.

At the end of this final exchange, the students of HEIP Lyon voted to elect their “President of the Republic”. It was Niels Holm, a Bachelor 2 student and candidate for La France Insoumise (united with several other parties), who won our fictitious election campaign with 31.98% of the vote.

Congratulations to him and his team for this great victory. A big congratulations also to all our Bachelor 1 and 2 students for their involvement and investment during this intense period!