On the occasion of several conferences, HEIP Lyon and the Agora Nostra association had the honor of receiving several deputies from various constituencies.
Cendra MOTIN, Member of Parliament for the 6th constituency of Isère, vice-president of the Finance, General Economy and Budgetary Control Committee, came to discuss with our students her political commitment. The discussions focused on many current topics and allowed a better understanding of the function of MPs and the current issues.

We then received Thomas RUDIGOZ, deputy of the first district of the Rhône, to speak about his mandate as a deputy, his role at the National Assembly, and his missions. A speech that allowed students to ask all their questions about his work and his role as a local elected official.

Hubert JULIEN-LAFERRIERE, deputy of the Rhône and spokesman for Yannick Jadot, visited our campus in Lyon to share his experience.

In the framework of a round table, we welcomed Valéria FAURE-MUNTIAN, LREM deputy, president of the France-Ukraine friendship group at the National Assembly and who carries many projects on the digital themes. During this exchange, the students were able to learn more about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, disinformation and the use of social networks as a new platform for combat.